Vertical Pouch and Bag Feeding System for those difficult to feed Pouches and Bags

HFS-2000 Horizontal Feeding Systems
HFS-2000 Horizontal Pouch and Bag Feeding System for those difficult to feed Pouches and Bags

VCT-3000 Vertical Case Transport Feeding System
VCT-3000 Vertical Case Transport feeds unerected cartons for InkJet printing or labeling.

MFS-4000 Manual Feeding System
MFS-4000 Manual Pouch and Bag Feeding System for those difficult to feed Pouches and Bags

Clamshell Feeding Conveyor System
Clamshell feeding conveyor & closing system capable of producing up to 32 clamshells per minute.
Pouch and Case Feeding Systems come in a variety of ways. A good feeding system is one that is simple and reliable. We currently have three types of Feeding Systems that we will describe now.
The VFS-1000 “Vertical Feeding System” was designed to feed zippered pouches. Zippered pouches do not stack well horizontally but when placed on edge, vertically, they stand up rather nicely. This allows you to put many zippered pouches on the in-feed conveyor for several minutes of run time. There is no limit to how many you can put, only the limit to the conveyor length.
The supply conveyor is activated by a sensor that detects if pouches or bags are far enough forward on the in-feed belt. When this sensor is satisfied, the suction cups can pick and place pouches or bags down onto the shuttle table one at a time.
The shuttle table pushes the place pouch at the same time aligning it onto the receiving conveyor. This receiving conveyor could be used for applying labels to the pouch or directly printing onto the pouch with a TTO “Thermal Transfer Over printer” or ink jet printing system.
The HFS-2000 “Horizontal Feed System” feeds cartons and bags laying flat. Especially bags and cartons that are too large for standing on edge. Feeding in this manner forces you to stop the process to reload. This system incorporates feeding directly onto a conveyor that has a labeler, TTO or ink jet printer mounted directly above. The system is more compact than the VFS-1000 and less expensive, however the limitation is stopping to reload and not running continuous.
The VCT-3000 “Vertical Case Transport” feeds flat shipping cases for labeling or ink jet printing. Flat shipping cases stand on edge and are fed with the in-feed belts (or optional pusher). The hopper holds about 50 cases depending on thickness. Each case is fed one by one with enough gap or spacing to allow a sensor to detect the leading edge and apply labels or mark the case. After the cases are labeled or marked, they are re-stacked.
The MFS-4000 “Manual Feed System” is less costly and provides a means to manually place pouches or bags one at a time onto a conveyor for labeling or printing. It does require an operator to be present at all times separating and feeding the pouches or bags.